Hey, what’s with the name?
Great question! Here is the story behind the name CLARETY33 and the logo. My spiritual director always reminds me to respond to everyone we meet with the two C’s, “charity and clarity.” Which means we should speak the truth with love. But both C’s must always be present, or it just doesn’t work out for the best. So that is where the “clarity” comes in; it’s one of the two C’s.
So why do we use the spelling of “CLARETY” instead of clarity?
While on a summer retreat in 2022, my wife and I visited a small stone-clad building that housed a first-class relic of Saint Clare of Assisi. I began to develop a sense in my heart, but then my wife verbalized it out loud, saying that St. Clare would somehow play a part in the company. I replied, “I think you’re right, but I don’t know how.”
St. Clare of Assisi was born into a wealthy family in Assisi in 1193. Inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, she felt the call to devote her life to God and, under St. Francis’ guidance, began the order of nuns, The Poor Clares.
An important story in her life happened towards the end of her life on Christmas eve. She was unable to attend Mass because of an illness. She prayed to God and received a vision of the Mass on the wall of her room. She could see and hear the Mass as it was happening, even though it was held a few miles away. Saint Clare was also very devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, as are we here at CLARETY33. You will see the round logo and the cross in the “C.” This represents the Blessed Sacrament.

Saint Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of televisions, remote viewing, and eye disorders. Her feast day is August 11th.
We ask for the intercession of Saint Clare as we seek to help our clients find clarity in their life.
On to the numbers, why the “33”?
Just as saints, including St. Clare, always point us to Jesus, real clarity can only come from our LORD. 33 is the age when Christ died, and only after his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven did his clarity begin to spread across the entire world.